About Adam Riemer
Per a few readers requests, here is my contact info before the About Me.
Note: I do not allow guest posting ever, unless I invite you. If you’re a brand looking for me to become an affiliate, read this blog carefully and customize the contact before you pitch me (this post and this post are good examples). Any pitches that do not follow those guidelines may be used in public presentations, as blog posts (with your name and contact information) and on social media as examples of how not to pitch a program or what not to do.
email: adamr (at) adamriemer (dot) me
Skype: adam-riemer
Welcome to AdamRiemer.me. I’ve been doing Marketing and Online Marketing for over a decade and for some reason never actually ended up doing or writing a blog. I have written articles that have been published in FeedFront, SearchEngineJournal and many other well known publications. I speak at shows like Affiliate Summit, Pubcon, State of Search, Think Tank and many more. I’ve also been mentioned or referenced in publications and websites like Forbes.com, NY Times, MarketingLand.com and more. Eventually I got talked into starting this blog.
The purpose of this blog is for me to not forget what I’m working on and to help give quicker responses to questions I get regularly from affiliates, bloggers, search engine marketing professionals and other people I meet. I highly encourage people to leave their comments and always question how I think things should be done because one thing that I have learned is that noone can be right all the time and if people do not disagree with you, well then chances are you are missing something and as every Marketer knows, there is always better way to do something, we may just not have found it yet.
Please feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed and don’t forget to come back often. You can always follow me on Twitter (@Rollerblader) or by finding me on Skype on the handle Adam-Riemer and if you are interested in hiring me as a consultant.