Search Results for: affiliates

Smaller Merchants, Here’s how to compete with the big guys in Affiliate Marketing

So something that most people think when they start an Affiliate Program is that Affiliate programs are an instant money maker.  They don’t involve any work or need any help and all you need to do is throw up a couple banners, make a couple text links, sit back and watch the money and the

Smaller Merchants, Here’s how to compete with the big guys in Affiliate Marketing Read More »

Merchants, do you need a last extra boost for the Holidays?

Do you need to boost your numbers one more time before the holidays and shopping season are over?  One thing most Merchants ignore is one of the most obvious revenue generators available to them.  Gift Cards. From talking to Merchants and doing consulting work, 1/3 of all online giftcards or gift cards through coupon codes

Merchants, do you need a last extra boost for the Holidays? Read More »

Merchants Don’t Forget to Put Your Name in the Subject Line!

I cannot believe how sloppy some Merchants have gotten this holiday season.  Most Marketers, especially who have been with a company for a long time or who are brand new don’t really remember something that is seriously important in Email Marketing and in communicating with not only your Customers, but also your partners like your

Merchants Don’t Forget to Put Your Name in the Subject Line! Read More »

Adding a phone number to your website homepage is a great idea!

Merchants and Online stores, adding phone numbers to your website homepages and in really visible places is a seriously good idea; especially if you want to raise your costs, agitate your Affiliates and reduce your online sales, not to mention distract the person from shopping online. Now I understand you don’t want to miss a

Adding a phone number to your website homepage is a great idea! Read More »

Are TypoSquatters and TypeSquatters Parasites or Thieves?

So a common thing you’ll find people complaining about that have never had a properly managed program, or that shut theirs down is that they got soo tired of people bidding on their trademarks and typosquatting or typsquatting.  The thing is, most of them didn’t even know about the toolbars and adware, but that is

Are TypoSquatters and TypeSquatters Parasites or Thieves? Read More »

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